Newsroom and Blog Updates on Pursuing Excellence

Behind the Scenes of the JGME International Supplement: An Interview with Dr. Halah Ibrahim

In August, the Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME) published its first International Supplement. It highlights the successes and challenges of meeting today’s global health priorities and provides a forum for research and learning in post-graduate medical education (PGME) around the world, fostering further research and dialogue. We talked with Halah Ibrahim, MD, MEHP, who served as one of the guest editors for the supplement.

September 2019
Halah Ibrahim, MD, MEHP

The ACGME continues to aid successful placement of OVMC residents

<p>The ACGME continues to update and disseminate a list of available positions for OVMC residents.</p>
September 2019

ACGME Chooses New Pathway Leaders for Pursuing Excellence in Clinical Learning Environments Initiative

Today the ACGME announced the selection of 10 institutions that will form the second cohort of a national learning collaborative focused on engaging residents and fellows in patient safety.
September 2019

Conversations with Leadership: Linda B. Andrews, MD

Linda B. Andrews, MD joined the ACGME leadership team in February 2019 as the new Senior Vice President, Field Activities. We chatted with Dr. Andrews to learn more about her background and her vision for Field Activities at the ACGME.

August 2019

DOs displaced from residency after Ohio Valley Medical Center closure

The DO writes about the closure of Ohio Valley Medical Center, and how the ACGME has invoked its Extraordinary Circumstances policy to facilitate the transfer of residents to other programs.

August 2019

The ACGME Releases CLER National Report of Findings 2019

The CLER National Report of Findings 2019: Initial Visits to Sponsoring Institutions With 2 or Fewer Core Residency Programs was released today.
August 2019

ACGME Database Opens for Displaced OVMC Residents

The ACGME invoked its Extraordinary Circumstances Policy (ACGME Policies and Procedures, Section 21.00) following the closure announcement for Ohio Valley Medical Center (OVMC), a participating site for ACGME-accredited residency programs. 

August 2019

DO Representation on ACGME Board Expands in Final Year of Transition to a Single GME System

The DO writes about the integration of osteopathic physicians and leaders into the ACGME, which was announced at the American Osteopathic Association's House of Delegates in July.

August 2019

Ohio Valley Medical Center Closure

On August 7, 2019, Ohio Valley Medical Center (OVMC) in Wheeling, West Virginia informed its employees it would close in 60 to 90 days. OVMC is a participating site for ACGME-accredited emergency medicine and internal medicine residency programs.

August 2019

ACGME Continues to Aid in the Successful Placement of Hahnemann Residents and Fellows

The second and final tier of Hahnemann University Hospital (HUH) programs will close Tuesday, August 6, 2019. More than 95 percent of residents and fellows have found new positions and most of those not yet placed have received offers.

August 2019